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Case study案例分析引用写作指南

发布日期:2023-04-08 16:31:14     来源:admin

    国外留学,尤其是商科类专业学生,经常会遇到案例分析类型的作业,也就是留学生们口中的Case study,这类型的写作包含内容多,近期有学生在引言部分遇到困难,在咨询留学生学术论文辅导的帮助,这里辅无忧给大家分享Case study案例分析引用写作指南。


    Case study案例分析引用通常应该包含 100 到 200 字,主要介绍案例研究的背景和目的,以及提出的问题和研究方法。它应该能够吸引读者的注意力,概述整个案例研究,并为后续部分提供上下文和框架。在写引言时,需要确保简明扼要,清晰明了,同时也要体现出自己的研究意义和价值。

    Case study案例分析引用写作指南:





    下面是一个Case study案例分析引言的范例:

    The purpose of this study is to explore how ABC Company can use new technologies to improve production efficiency and compare its competitive advantages with other companies in the same industry. ABC Company is a large manufacturing enterprise specializing in producing auto parts, so production efficiency is crucial for the company's success. In this study, we collected relevant data from ABC Company and its counterparts in the industry using methods such as in-depth interviews and document analysis, and conducted quantitative and qualitative analyses. Through this research, we hope to provide valuable experiences and insights for other manufacturing companies. This paper is divided into four parts: the first part introduces the research background and purpose, the second part describes the research methods, and the third part discusses the research results. The fourth part concludes and discusses the findings.


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